Saturday, October 23, 2010

God will..

"Faith is not believing that God can. It is knowing that God will." - Ben Stein

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not a wish - not a dream...

For years now the HS has been engaging my heart with the concept of God as a Man of His Word and Faithful to His Promises.

Since childhood I'd been struck by HIS faithfulness to Israel ~ the Land ~ the people ~ the Messianic Line ~ and the outworking of all that, from His Heart ~ the orderly execution by the HS ~ and I'd experienced AMAZING SOVEREIGN GRACE in distinct ways through-out my life that solidified my conviction about Who He is and what His intentions are ~ but somehow this depth of understanding in regard to His Promises had never deeply developed.

So one night in the Spring, I went to sleep ruminating on a Promise He'd been speaking to me about since 2005. I wasn't settled about it. I wasn't "sure it was Him"... not sure I was "doing it right" (you know.. BELIEVING!!) so I mumbled something as I went to sleep like, "Oh pleeeeeze... speak to me in my sleep and settle this once and for all", not really believing, but letting it go.

I woke up to the sun streaming in and that amazing 'bacon in the kitchen' feeling of God hovering over me in my sleep and gently nudging with His jolly celestial good humour like it was Christmas morning and whispered, "It's not a wish - it's not a dream - it's a PROMISE" ~ which rivetted me all day with thoughts of promises and promisee's.

Later that week, I attended the funeral of a dear co-worker. At the end of the funeral, amongst rows and rows of previous and current Lab employees, with the harpist playing music Marg had very specifically instructed me to have played, her husband came up to me and said, "Marg was very earnest that I give this to you because she said she'd PROMISED it to you and wanted to make sure you received it" ~ it was her 30 yr ring from the Medical Lab we worked at. She'd been like a mother to me and had mentored me as I began working there in my early twenties (and I'd always thought my parents were paying her on the side to keep an eye on me, as they ran a Medical office from the same town Margaret.. the fiesty Scot originated from).

But the point was clear ~ here was lovely Margaret.. keeping her PROMISE.. even unto death. Margaret was a woman of great character, but HOW MUCH MORE the CHARACTER OF GOD in fulfilling HIS PROMISES to HIS BELOVED CHILDREN?!

"It's not a wish - it's a PROMISE"

Later that day, it came to my attn that it was Pentecost 2010